What is a PLN/ My PLN Overview

Hello there! As you may have guessed it, we are starting a new string of posts on this blog!

For my Information Design for Business (MNGT 138) class I am creating a Personal Learning Network, also known as a PLN.

What is a PLN you say?

In short a Personal Learning Network is a collection of resources that pertain to an idea that you wish to know more about.


I have been keeping this blog for some college classes that require it. It is a fabulous tool to enforce what we learn each week, but unexpectedly I have fallen in love with blogging!

Curious about how I can blog more, and blog better, I am creating my PLN around the betterment of my blogging skills, tools, and resources!

The variety in blogging is endless, you can blog about almost anything, but earning an audience, and eventually a living, is a different story. For my PLN I will focus more on the overall method of blog writing, networking, and audience building rather than any specific blogging topic.

I have chosen this focus because besides for falling in love with blogging here, I believe that blogging and other online professions are going to be a huge majority of the job market as the times start to change. The topic of blogging is where technology, changing society values and lifestyle, and my own interests all collide, so compiling these resources will be something I am passionate to learn more about.

From this I hope to gain the knowledge to start stepping up my blogging game, have a better understanding of how blogging works as a full-time job, to make connections to those who have skills I can learn from, and to create a great starting place for anyone else who is curious about starting blogging themselves!


Feel free to create your own Personal Learning Network along with me if you would like. All you need is something you wish to know more about and the internet!

This series will continue along with my Information Design for Business posts. You can find each under my main menu as MNGT 138 and My PLN respectively.

Here is to new learning!

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